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I hope my notes will bring you joy and smiles, help with some useful tips, and  open up the world of travel for you!

With Love, Dasha

If you get to meet this lovely family, you will instantly see that special glow in them. Emily and Brian are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met: always with a gentle smile and a warm hug. I met Emily when our babies were very little. Her and I both went to Newborn Parenting […]

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Hooray! Here is Part 2 of this amazing family’s Christmas in-home photo session in PJs snuggling in bed! And of course, big brother Felix and little Leo found the best way to have fun: jumping on the bed! đŸ™‚ Make sure to check out Part 1 of their time decorating a Christmas tree here as […]

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I have no words to describe how in love I am with this beautiful family and their Christmas in-home photo session! Karina and Znenya are the sweetest people ever: very kind, loving, and amazing parents. We got to know each other last year when I had the honor to photograph their family for the first […]

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Today is Thanksgiving and we definitely have a lot to be thankful for. For our sweetest family that we have close by us and beloved family that is far away but always in our hearts and in our thoughts. For our home that we were lucky it was spared by these recent horrific fires. For […]

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I had an honor to photograph a very special family recently for their holiday photos. Natasha and I got to know each other within the Russian community in our neighborhood. When I moved here to California, it took me quite some time to adapt. It’s amazing how much it means to find people who you are […]

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Wedding & FAMILY photographer

Based in Thousand Oaks, CA
Serving Ventura, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange counties and beyond

©2024 Dasha Dean Photography

Available for travel worldwide


I'm so glad we are in touch now!

Thank you dear friend!