When it’s your 14 year family anniversary, how amazing is it to capture this special time in your life by taking family photos in a beautiful park? To celebrate, to appreciate, to reflect, to enjoy, to share the love.
Camille is a fellow photographer and when she reached out to me for family photos, I was beyond honored and so excited to meet her and her sweet family! Camille and Chris are high school sweethearts, which makes me so happy to see how strong and beautiful their love is! We made sure we had some of their photos together during our mini session. Because they are truly the core of this family!
They have 4 wonderful children who are loved beyond any words. I absolutely loved watching how big sister Kaylin was taking care of her younger brothers and her baby sister. She is definitely so sweet and caring! Chris and Camille love sports, both watching and playing, so of course their oldest boy Luke is already mastering his skills in baseball and soon hockey! Way to go!! Luke has such a great imagination too: he showed me some powers of force fields that he had! It was also so adorable to see how attached little Leo is to his Daddy: just look at some amazing smiles that he was sharing with us in his arms! And I’m sure you can see that baby Leia was just the cutest of all the cutie pies! =)
Happy 14th Anniversary to this amazing family! Thank you for the inspiration and all the joy that you share with the world!