I had such a fun and beautiful intimate Orange County wedding recently!
Jonathan and Alyssa are one of the most cheerful and joyful couples I’ve met! I loved how they described each other:
A: “Jonathan loves to make people laugh. He can light up a room. He is the sweetest caring person I have ever meet and wears his heart on his sleeve. He is sarcastic, hard-headed, and incredibly smart. I am always amazed at what he is capable of doing.”
J: “Alyssa is one of my favorite people to hang out with. I love just sitting and talking with her joking and just being with her. To me, she a source of positive energy, happiness, and kindness. She is very shy while trying to get to know her but once you do, she is just a bundle of energy!”
Aren’t they just darling?
Their love for everything Disney is so inspiring! They both worked for Disney when they met: Alyssa was in the travel department there and Jonathan worked (and still is) in special events. Their married mutual friends Katie and Patrick thought that the two of them were a great match, even though none of them were interested in dating at that time. Nonetheless, a quick text from Jonathan one day grew into so much more. And look where they are now!
Their elopement was very special! Even though their original wedding with a big celebration in August got canceled because of the pandemic, Jonathan and Alyssa just wanted to make it happen anyways. So they picked July 15th, the day when they had their first date 5 years ago. I wasn’t even allowed at their courtroom ceremony, Jonathan’s brother Chris was the only witness there (you will see him in some photos below too). But nonetheless, we had lots of fun afterward: walking around their memorable and dear to them places: where they had their first date in Downtown Anaheim and in Mile Square Park where they said “I love you” for the 1st time (well, Alyssa accidentally said “I love potatoes” instead 😄 but Jonathan got it 😉)!
So here they are, radiant and happy, on a beautiful sunny day in Southern California! Congratulations, my dear Alyssa and Jonathan! Cheers to many amazing years together!